The Daily Manila Shimbun


3 parties agree on cost sharing for 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games

May 24, 2017

Tokyo- The Tokyo metropolitan government, the organizing committee for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics and the central government have reached a broad agreement on cost-sharing plans for the 2020 Games, informed sources said Wednesday.
Of the estimated total costs of 1.39 trillion yen, the metropolitan government and the organizing committee will each shoulder 600 billion yen, while the central government will contribute 150 billion yen.
The total cost estimate, calculated by the metropolitan government, does not include reserves.
The metropolitan government will ask local governments outside Tokyo that host stadiums or other facilities used for the Olympic and Paralympic competitions to shoulder a total of some 40 billion yen, according to the sources.
Tamayo Marukawa, minister in charge of the Tokyo Games, said that a meeting of officials from the state, the metropolitan government, the organizing committee and related local governments will be held on May 31.
She said the local governments are expected to accept the cost-sharing plans. (Jiji Press)