The Daily Manila Shimbun


China outlaws Imperial Japan military costume play

April 29, 2018

Beijing- China's national legislature has enacted a law to criminalize the online uploading of photographs of costume play using replica uniforms of the now-defunct Imperial Japanese Army.

The law was unanimously approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Friday. It will take effect on Tuesday.

The move followed a spate of cases from last year in which photos of such costume play taken at locations related to the country's previous war of resistance against Japan were uploaded on the Internet.

Some critics say the spread of the costume play reflects public frustration with the Communist Party of China's one-party rule.

At a press conference in March, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi blasted those costume players as human scum.

The new law is aimed at preserving the dignity of Chinese heroes sacrificed in the China-Japan war and other battles, and maintaining the spirit of patriotism.

Under the law, those who deny these heroes' achievements or glorify acts of aggression against China could face criminal punishment.

The war between the two Asian countries merged into World War II. Jiji Press