The Daily Manila Shimbun


Ireland discussing post-Brexit transfer with Japanese companies

March 2, 2017

TOKYO- Ireland is in talks with Japanese firms considering relocating their European bases from Britain after its planned exit from the European Union, Irish foreign minister Charles Flanagan said Wednesday.

Many Japanese companies, including financial institutions, are considering relocation and Ireland has started talks with some of them, visiting Flanagan said in an interview with Jiji Press.

Ireland will be the only English-speaking EU member state after Britain’s exit, Flanagan said, adding that the Irish common law “is similar” to that of Britain.

Flanagan said he thinks it “essential” to maintain the open border between Ireland and Britain after Brexit. Ireland will ask for consideration of such a “unique situation” in negotiations between the EU and Britain, he observed.

On the proposed economic partnership agreement for free trade between Japan and the EU, the foreign minister said it “needs an injection of urgency.”

He expressed confidence that the two sides can reach a broad EPA accord in March.

Flanagan met with his Japanese counterpart, Fumio Kishida, also on Wednesday. They agreed to cooperate further to realize a broad EPA deal at an early date. Jiji Press