The Daily Manila Shimbun


Japan Brings S. Korean Duties to WTO Appellate Body

May 29, 2018

Tokyo- The Japanese government has filed an appeal with the World Trade Organization's Appellate Body over South Korea's antidumping duties slapped on imports of valves for pneumatic transmission from Japan.

In mid-April, the Geneva-based trade watchdog's dispute settlement body decided that the duties are in violation of WTO trade rules, accepting the core part of Japan's argument against the South Korean measure.

But Tokyo on Monday brought the case to the Appellate Body for full-fledged discussions, pointing out that the dispute settlement panel failed to recognize part of its claim. The panel also stopped short of making a judgment on other items in the Japanese claim, saying that they were not subject to its examinations, according to the government.

Pneumatic transmission valves are used in production equipment for automobiles and semiconductors.

South Korea in 2015 imposed antidumping duties of 22.77 pct on products from Japan, claiming that they were imported at unfairly low prices and caused damage to South Korean industries.

Japan filed a complaint with the WTO in 2016. Jiji Press