The Daily Manila Shimbun


Japan to conduct tests to develop autonomous ships

August 26, 2017

TOKYO- Japan's transport ministry plans to conduct demonstration tests to accelerate the development of autonomous ships utilizing Internet of Things technologies, informed sources told Jiji Press Saturday.

The ministry is preparing to include expenses for the tests, in which ships will gather information needed for autonomous operations, including on the positions of nearby vessels, in its planned budget request for fiscal 2018 from April next year.

With efforts underway to set international standards for autonomous ship operations, the ministry hopes Japan will take the lead in the field and expand its presence in the shipbuilding market, the sources said.

The government aims to increase the country's share in the global shipbuilding market from 20 pct in 2015 to 30 pct by 2025.

To achieve the target, the government is working to build a rating system for ship safety and economic performance and establish international standards for autonomous ship operations.

Meanwhile, the ministry is promoting the introduction of information and communications technologies in the processes of developing, constructing and operating ships. Jiji Press