The Daily Manila Shimbun


Main points of Emperor abdication law

June 9, 2017

 Following are the main points of a special law allowing Japan's Emperor Akihito to abdicate, which was enacted on Friday:
*Article 1 says the people of Japan understand and have sympathy with Emperor Akihito's concern that his advancing age will make it difficult for him to continue performing his duties.
*An annex clause will be added to the Imperial House Law to state that the special law is consistent with the Imperial code.
*Emperor Akihito will abdicate on the day of the law's enforcement, to be succeeded immediately by Crown Prince Naruhito. The date of abdication will be sometime within three years of the law's promulgation, to be set by a government ordinance.
*Emperor Akihito will be given the title of "joko" and Empress Michiko the title of "jokogo" after the Emperor steps down.
*The Emperor's birthday holiday will be changed from Dec. 23 to Feb. 23.
*Prince Akishino will be first in line to the throne and receive the same treatment as that currently given to the Crown Prince. (Jiji Press)