The Daily Manila Shimbun


Moon’s speech team makes error on Fukushima n-accident: South Korea official

June 29, 2017

SEOUL- A senior official of the South Korean president's office said Wednesday that a questionable remark by President Moon Jae-in about the March 2011 nuclear accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 plant was made due to a mistake by his speech-writing team.
Moon said in a speech on June 19 that the triple meltdown at the northeastern Japan nuclear power plant brought the death toll of 1,368 as of March 2016.
Tokyo conveyed its regret over the remark to Seoul as it was not based on a correct understanding.
According to the official, Moon should have said "accident-related" death toll but the speech team mistakenly removed the phrase. (Jiji Press)