The Daily Manila Shimbun


Abe says to follow LDP rule banning 4th term as party chief

March 14, 2019

Tokyo–Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Thursday that he will follow a current Liberal Democratic Party rule preventing him from serving yet another term as leader of the governing party. “A fourth straight term (as LDP president) is banned under


Japan police recognize record 1,394 child abuse victims in 2018

March 14, 2019

Tokyo–Japanese police detected 1,380 child abuse cases involving a total of 1,394 victims, aged under 18, in 2018, with both figures representing respective record highs, a National Police Agency survey showed Thursday. The number of abuse cases rose by 242


EXCLUSIVE: Japan mulls raising tariffs on S. Korean products

March 9, 2019

Tokyo–The Japanese government is considering raising tariffs on some South Korean products as part of possible countermeasures over wartime labor issues, informed sources told Jiji Press on Saturday. Tokyo is considering taking countermeasures if South Korean plaintiffs sell Japanese companies’


Two men arrested for taking wagyu eggs out of Japan to China

March 9, 2019

Osaka–Police arrested two men in Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, on Saturday on suspicion of taking fertilized eggs and sperm of “wagyu” Japanese beef cattle out of Japan to China illegally. The case is an apparent attempt to sell wagyu’s genetic


EXCLUSIVE: Plea talks over Ghosn charges begin in October

March 9, 2019

Tokyo–Tokyo prosecutors and Nissan Motor Co. executives began negotiations on plea-bargaining deals over charges against Carlos Ghosn, former chairman of the Japanese automaker, in October, informed sources told Jiji Press on Saturday. Ghosn, 65, was arrested on Nov. 19, a


U.S. major league: Rikao Kikuchi

March 9, 2019

Mariners’ star Kikuchi Yusuke pitcher who plays a leading role in the opening match with Reds, 7th, the Goodyear in Arizona, USA. Jiji Press

Hog cholera

March 9, 2019

Pigs slaughtered in Toyota-shi, Aichi Prefecture. Jiji Press

Osaka to hold double elections over Metropolis Plan

March 9, 2019

Osaka–The heads of Osaka Prefecture and the city of Osaka on Friday offered to resign from the posts, before their present terms of office expire late this year, and decided to seek reelection, in the other’s current position, in order