The Daily Manila Shimbun


Japan, China, S. Korea Businesses Seek Stronger Regional Partnerships

May 9, 2018

Tokyo- -Major business groups from Japan, China and South Korea called on Wednesday for stronger regional economic partnerships to fuel growth. “Free and open multilateral trading system is essential to achieving inclusive growth,” the business groups said in a joint


Philippines, Japan agree to resume repatriation of Japanese soldiers’ remains during WWII

May 9, 2018

The Philippines and Japan have agreed to resume retrieval and repatriation of the remains of Japanese soldiers who died in the Philippines during World War II after eight years. The project was suspended in 2010 due to alleged looting of


Japan, China, S. Korea Affirm Cooperation for N. Korea’s Denuclearization

May 9, 2018

Tokyo- The leaders of Japan, China and South Korea confirmed at their meeting in Tokyo on Wednesday that the three countries will work together for realizing the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, based on U.N. Security Council resolutions against


Japan Makers Vying to Develop “Edge Computing” Technologies

May 9, 2018

Tokyo- Japanese manufacturers are vying to develop “edge computing” technologies in order to improve production efficiency by utilizing Internet of things, or IoT, devices. Mitsubishi Electric Corp. and machine tool maker Fanuc Corp. have formed consortiums respectively to unify standards


Japan Regrets U.S. Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal

May 9, 2018

Tokyo- The Japanese government expressed regret on Wednesday over the United States’ decision to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. It would be “extremely discouraging” if Washington’s decision has a major impact that makes the continuation of the


Abe, Moon Seek Further N. Korea Steps toward Denuclearization

May 9, 2018

Tokyo- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting South Korean President Moon Jae-in agreed Wednesday that their countries will cooperate with the United States in urging North Korea to take further steps toward its complete denuclearization. During the talks, which


Photo Exhibition of Abductee Yokota Opens in Tokyo’s Shinjuku

May 9, 2018

Tokyo- -A photo exhibition featuring Megumi Yokota, a Japanese national who was abducted to North Korea in 1977 at the age of 13, has opened in Shinjuku Station in central Tokyo. “It’s painful beyond words to look at the photos


Japan to Cover Fees for Nonlicensed Nurseries

May 9, 2018

Tokyo- The Japanese government plans to provide subsidies to certified households to cover costs for having their children attend nonlicensed nursery facilities, informed sources said. Under the plan, households certified by municipal governments as in need of childcare will be