The Daily Manila Shimbun


Economy close to 2% inflation target: BOJ

January 27, 2018

London- Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said Friday that the Japanese economy is “finally close” to achieving the central bank’s inflation target of 2 percent. “There are many factors which made achieving the 2 percent inflation target or price


Virtual currency exchange coincheck loses 58 billion yen due to hacking

January 27, 2018

Tokyo- Some 58 billion yen’s worth of cryptocurrency NEM has leaked out of major Japanese virtual currency exchange Coincheck due to hacking, the exchange’s operator said Friday. The operator, Coincheck Inc., did not disclose the numbers of affected customers and


DTI Antique taps Japanese volunteer to assist product development for mSMEs

DTI Antique taps Japanese volunteer to assist product development for mSMEs

January 26, 2018

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)-Antique has tapped the assistance of a Japanese volunteer to develop new food products from Antique  to boost tourism and livelihood in the area. Japanese volunteer Michi Kurihara, 30, was dispatched to the agency


Japan to draw up guidelines for wild game-processing vehicles

January 26, 2018

Nagano- Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is drawing up guidelines for using vehicles to process wild animals into dressed carcasses after they are killed by hunters, Jiji Press learned Thursday. By preparing the guidelines, the ministry is aiming


Number of flu patients tops warning level

January 26, 2018

Tokyo- The number of influenza patients in Japan has topped the warning level, the health ministry said Friday. The average number of flu patients at some 5,000 medical institutions across the country that are regularly surveyed stood at 51.93 in


Sagamihara killer says plotted another attack on same day

January 26, 2018

Yokohama- Satoshi Uematsu, accused of the 2016 deadly attack on a facility for the mentally disabled in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, has told Jiji Press that he planned to assault another such facility in the same prefecture on the same day.


Fujitsu president Tanaka awarded French medal

January 26, 2018

Tokyo- Japan’s Fujitsu Ltd. said Friday that its president, Tatsuya Tanaka, has been awarded the Legion d’honneur chevalier, one of France’s highest honors. Tanaka, 61, received the medal in recognition of the company’s operations in France for nearly 20 years


Cold wave forces TEPCO to seek help from peers

January 26, 2018

Tokyo- TEPCO Power Grid Inc. received electricity from three other regional power suppliers on Thursday to cope with a surge in electricity demand mainly for heating in its service area due to a cold wave. The unit of Tokyo Electric