The Daily Manila Shimbun


Biz sentiment seen rising for 4th quarter in BOJ “Tankanˮ

September 23, 2017

TOKYO- The Bank of Japan’s “tankan” quarterly survey for September is expected to show an improvement in business sentiment among large manufacturers for the fourth straight quarter, according to estimates by private think-tanks. Sixteen think tanks on average expect the


Japan, South Korea agree to advance security cooperation

September 23, 2017

NEW YORK- Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono and his South Korean counterpart, Kang Kyung-wha, agreed Friday to advance bilateral cooperation in the area of security. In their 20-minute talks at the UN headquarters in New York, the two also agreed


Kono urges all nations to sever ties with N. Korea

September 22, 2017

NEW YORK- Visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono on Thursday urged all countries to sever diplomatic and economic relations with North Korea in the wake of its recent series of provocations. “We are now facing an unprecedented threat that is


Japan unveils new English textbooks for 5th-, 6th-graders

September 22, 2017

TOKYO- Japan’s education ministry unveiled on Thursday new English textbooks to be used for elementary school fifth- and sixth-graders’ foreign-language classes for fiscal 2018 and 2019. The structure of the textbooks is organized so students will be able to work


Japan relief team arrives in quake-hit Mexico

September 22, 2017

MEXICO CITY- A Japanese emergency relief team made up of 72 workers arrived in earthquake-damaged Mexico City on Thursday. They started search and rescue activities for the victims of a 7.1-magnitude earthquake that hit the Latin American country’s central region


Dentsu chief admits illegal overtime at court hearing

September 22, 2017

TOKYO- Dentsu Inc. President Toshihiro Yamamoto admitted illegal overtime at the top Japanese ad agency, during the first court hearing Friday on the scandal that came to light following the high-profile overwork-induced suicide of a young female employee. “We deeply


Japan on alert after Pyongyang hydrogen bomb test threat

September 22, 2017

TOKYO- The Japanese government said Friday it will be on strict alert for every eventuality, following North Korea’s threat to detonate a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean. The government will be fully prepared to respond to any situation even


Abe, Trump, Moon agree to put stronger pressure on N. Korea

September 22, 2017

NEW YORK- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, US President Donald Trump and South Korean President Moon Jae-in agreed to put much stronger pressure on North Korea over its nuclear and missile development, at a trilateral summit in New York on