The Daily Manila Shimbun


“Premium Fridayˮ faces crucial moment half year after kickoff

July 29, 2017

TOKYO- "Premium Friday," a nationwide campaign to encourage people to leave work early on the last Friday of every month and spur consumer spending, faces a crucial moment a half year after its splashy debut.
Only a small number of companies have managed to establish the practice of departing work early among employees, while operators of department stores and amusement facilities are running out of ideas for services to attract visitors on the designated Fridays.
Major travel agency H.I.S. Co.  used to feature the campaign on its website, but the post is now difficult to locate.
"With many people busy at the end of the month, not a lot of people go on holiday because of Premium Friday," a company official said. The official questioned the effectiveness of the government-backed campaign.
Yomiuri Land Co. , which operates an amusement park, sold discount tickets only for the first Premium Friday on Feb. 24. (Jiji Press)