The Daily Manila Shimbun


Renewed Monument Commemorating Dojima Rice Exchange Unveiled

October 24, 2018

Osaka- The Osaka Exchange unveiled in a ceremony on Wednesday a renewed monument at the site where the Dojima rice exchange used to stand in the western Japan city of Osaka.

The new monument was built to represent the history of the world's first futures exchange, which was established in 1730 during the Edo period.

As spot transactions and futures trading for rice were conducted at the rice exchange, the white granite monument designed by famed Japanese architect Tadao Ando is in the shape of a large rice grain, measuring 1.5 meters tall and 3 meters wide.

With the number of foreign visitors to Japan increasing, a quick response, or QR, code is printed on a board near the monument. This directs smartphone users to a website introducing topics, including what the market was like back in the day, in Japanese, English, Chinese and 10 other languages. Jiji Press