The Daily Manila Shimbun


Team adopts mixed report on market relocation

June 6, 2017

Tokyo- A project team of the Tokyo metropolitan government on Monday adopted a report over the fate of the Tsukiji wholesale food market, showing two options--one for relocating it to the planned Toyosu site and the other for renovating the current market for its continued use.
In a draft of the report drawn up last month, the team described the Tsukiji renovation as "appropriate." But the wording was not included in the final report due to objections from some members.
The report, along with another report, to be compiled by an expert panel on measures against soil pollution at the Toyosu site, will be used by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike when she makes a decision on whether to go ahead with the market relocation.
"I'm aware that the matter is being examined from various viewpoints," Koike told reporters on Monday, adding, "I will make a comprehensive decision."
The option for the transfer of Tsukiji in Chuo Ward in the Japanese capital to the Toyosu market in neighboring Koto Ward stipulates that the planned new market will have better functions as a logistics center than Tsukiji through the use of information technologies, according to the report by the project team.
But the Toyosu market is expected to incur a deficit of 10 billion to 15 billion yen annually, requiring the use of taxpayer money to offset the red ink, the report said, adding that measures to lower soil contamination levels below environmental standards have not been completed at the site.
For the Tsukiji renovation option, the team offered two ideas--one for implementing the refurbishment work while allowing the market to continue operations and the other for revamping the market after its functions are temporarily transferred to the Toyosu site
The renovation work is expected to take up to 15 years and cost up to 138.8 billion yen, it said.
It has been found that soil pollution control measures proposed by experts were not conducted at some key facilities at the Toyosu market. This led Koike to decide to postpone the relocation of the Tsukiji market to the Toyosu site, which w as originally slated for November last year. (Jiji Press)