The Daily Manila Shimbun


Tokyo to test traffic control this summer before 2020 Games

February 23, 2019

Tokyo--The Tokyo metropolitan government said Friday it will conduct a traffic control test in summer this year in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.

Companies in Tokyo will be asked to take measures to ease traffic congestion on the 35 weekdays between July 22 and Sept. 6, including one designated as a substitute holiday.

The measures are expected to include the use of teleworking and staggered working hours and improvements in logistics efficiency.

It will be the metropolitan government's first traffic control experiment to evaluate measures to ease congestion during the quadrennial games.

In cooperation with the central government and the games organizing committee, the metropolitan government will examine how much the traffic will be reduced, especially in waterfront areas with competition venues.

The two weeks from July 22 will be designated as an intensive period to test traffic-reducing measures for the Olympics and the two weeks from Aug. 19 for the Paralympics.

Further details, including areas to be covered by the experiment, will be decided in spring. Jiji Press