The Daily Manila Shimbun


Upper house rejects dismissal of judicial panel chairman

June 7, 2017

Tokyo- The House of Councillors rejected Wednesday an opposition-sponsored resolution demanding the dismissal of Kozo Akino, chairman of the Judicial Affairs Committee of the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament. The resolution, submitted by the major opposition Democratic Party, was turned down at an Upper House plenary meeting by a majority vote with support mainly from the Liberal Democratic Party-led ruling camp and Nippon Ishin no Kai, an opposition party.

Executives of the Upper House panel agreed to resume on Thursday committee deliberations on an anticonspiracy bill aimed at criminalizing planning and preparing acts of terrorism and other serious offenses before they are committed.
The DP has claimed that Akino, a lawmaker of Komeito, the LDP's junior coalition partner, high-handedly took a vote to allow the head of the Justice Ministry's Criminal Affairs Bureau to attend the committee throughout the debates on the bill, without an agreement between the ruling and opposition camps.
No deliberations on the controversial bill were conducted on Tuesday due to the submission of the resolution.
At a meeting of their secretaries-general and Diet affairs heads, the LDP and Komeito reaffirmed that the anticonspiracy legislation and a bill to revise the Penal Code to toughen punishment for sex crimes should be enacted during the current Diet session, set to end on June 18.
The ruling camp executives did not discuss whether the Diet session should be extended, informed sources said.
After the meeting, LDP Diet affairs head Wataru Takeshita told reporters that his party will prepare against possible submission by the opposition side of a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet and a censure motion against Justice Minister Katsutoshi Kaneda.
The LDP will work hard to ensure the passage of the important bills during the current session, Takeshita said.
The DP will examine the present situation to make its final decision on the possible no-confidence motion, said Ryu Hirofumi, acting Diet affairs head of the opposition party. (Jiji Press)