The Daily Manila Shimbun


USTR shows concerns about Japan safeguard against beef imports

August 18, 2017

WASHINGTON- Meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono in Washington Thursday, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer voiced concerns about Japan's emergency measure to curb beef imports chiefly from the United States to protect its domestic cattle farmers.

Kono, now visiting the US capital to attend Japan-US security talks, and Lighthizer "discussed US concerns related to Japan's recent imposition of a safeguard measure that significantly increases tariffs on exports of frozen US beef," the Office of the USTR said in a press release.

On Aug. 1, the Japanese government lifted the tariff rate on frozen beef from 38.5 percent to 50 percent in response an import surge, drawing backlash from the administration of US President Donald Trump. Jiji Press