The Daily Manila Shimbun


Kyogen Actor Nomura Mansai to Supervise 2020 Games Ceremonies

July 31, 2018

Fukushima- Famed kyogen actor Nomura Mansai has been named "chief executive creative director" to serve as the top supervisor for the planning for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, it was announced Monday.

Movie director Takashi Yamazaki, whose works include "Always Sanchome no Yuhi," was appointed to take charge of the planning for the ceremonies of the Olympics.

Creative director Hiroshi Sasaki, who directed a promotion performance for the 2020 Summer Games at the closing ceremony of the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, was picked to play a directing role for the ceremonies of the Tokyo Paralympics.

"By bringing together talented people, I'll produce attractive Olympic and Paralympic ceremonies," Nomura said.

Since last December, the three have been working on basic plans for the ceremonies as members of a team comprising eight people.

A unified concept will be established for the four ceremonies, which will be staged on their own themes. Details of the ceremonies will be hammered out in summer 2019.

Nomura is also active internationally as an actor, as well as director in stage performances. Hopes are high for Nomura's directing skills utilizing his broad knowledge of Japanese culture.

Yamazaki was selected because his works have the focus on entertainment and are accepted by many generations, while Sasaki was chosen after he won acclaim for the production of the Tokyo Games promotion performance at the Rio ceremony.

The other five members of the planning team, including singer Ringo Sheena and movie producer Genki Kawamura, will also continue supporting the production of the Tokyo ceremonies. Jiji Press