The Daily Manila Shimbun


10th batch of nurses and careworkers to undergo preparatory Japanese language training

November 20, 2017

The opening ceremony of the Preparatory Japanese Language Training for the tenth batch of candidate nurses and careworkers bound for Japan under the JPEPA ( Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) was held on November 9 at the TESDA ( Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) Women’s Center in Taguig City.

The training program is implemented through the collaborative efforts of the governments of Japan and the Philippines, the Embassy of  Japan said in a press release Monday.

This endeavor goes beyond their standing commitments in the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement and aims to further assist Filipino candidate nurses and careworkers in passing the Japanese licensure examinations after they enter and work in Japan.

A total of 316 Filipino candidates from the tenth batch of candidate nurses and caregivers to Japan will undergo six months of preparatory training at three different venues: the Language Skills Institute at TESDA, the Nihongo Center Foundation Inc., and the PAD ( Personal Development Ability) Foundation Inc.

They will then depart for Japan on June 2018 and undergo another six months of Japanese language training there. DMS