The Daily Manila Shimbun


18 PDEA informants receive P11 million rewards

August 10, 2019

Eighteen informants of Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency ( PDEA) received around P11 million rewards for providing leads which resulted to successful anti-drug operations and confiscation of illegal drugs.

During PDEA’s 17th anniversary celebration, Director General Aaron Aquino gave 26 monetary rewards amounting to P 11,224,980 to the 18 confidential informants under their “Operation Private Eye” program.

The informants wore a black hood with a mask while they received their reward. 

The rewards cover the first and second quarter this year.

“Operation Private Eye is one way of encouraging the public to help the government’s anti-drug campaign by providing cash reward for information that result in the seizure of illegal drugs and arrest of drug personalities,” Aquino said.

Three informants received monetary reward of two million pesos each and another informant received one million pesos.  

“Informants remain anonymous for their security and protection,” he added.

The program is a citizen-based information collection program designed to encourage the active participation of private citizens to report illegal drug activities in their communities.

The Private Eye Rewards Committee is composed of members from the academe, non-government organizations, law enforcement, religious and business sectors, who deliberate and approve the granting of cash rewards to confidential informants.

 The confidential informants are identified only by their code names for reasons of anonymity. Ella Dionisio/DMS