The Daily Manila Shimbun


27 more women detainees tested positive for COVID-19; transferred to NBP quarantine facility

April 26, 2020

Another 27 detainees from the Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) in Mandaluyong City were tested positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) said on Saturday.

In a statement, BuCor said out of the 51 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) tested, 27 were found positive and have been transported to the New Bilibid Prison’s quarantine facility in Muntinlupa City.

“The said PDLs were received properly by the medical staff of the quarantine facility and were checked by the medical doctor on duty,” it said.

BuCor said all the infected PDLs were well and asymptomatic.

“Continuous focused medical care and monitoring will be provided to ensure that no PDL will develop severe symptoms,” it said.

Following the death of a PDL positive for the virus detained at CIW, the institution has now a total of 47 confirmed COVID-19 cases.

The Correction assured that the other prison and penal farms in the the country are still considered COVID-19 free.

To help the new positive patients, 27 new folding beds and mattresses were donated by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

BuCor extended its gratitude for the continuous support of the ICRC in giving care to the PDLs.

“ICRC is a major partner in setting up the NBP COVID-19 quarantine site and in the conduct of tests for the PDLs at CIW,” it said. Ella Dionisio/DMS