The Daily Manila Shimbun


30% of Marawi City main battle area cleared by AFP

December 30, 2017

Thirty percent of the most affected areas, previously the main battle area in Marawi City, was cleared by the military forces.

“The Joint Engineer Task Group (JETG) continues its main mission of clearing explosives completing around 30 percent of the whole most affected area,” said Major General Arnold Rafael Depakakibo, the AFP’s Chief Engineer in a statement Saturday.

Col Romeo Brawner, Joint Task Force Ranao deputy commander, said as of December 17, a total of 2,853 assorted unexploded ordnance and 415 improvised explosive devices were recovered by the task force.

“This was done through the support of Explosives and Ordnance Disposal Company and K-9 Teams from the Philippine Army and Philippines Air Force,” he said.

“The JETG also completed the clearing of more or less 20 kms primary and secondary roads, three major bridges, a school, and three places of worship immediately after the liberation of Marawi,” he added.

Brawner emphasized that these developments has resulted to timely conduct of post-conflict needs assessment by the Department of Public Works and Highways.

He noted that the JETG also provides limited construction support to government agencies involved in  maintaining evacuation centers.

“Aside from construction support, the JETG also assisted the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) in the construction of 500 temporary shelters for the evacuees,” Brawner said.

“250 units have already awarded last week while the other 250 will be awarded next month,” he added

Brawner said “more than 500 military engineers are currently deployed in Marawi City as part of the JETG.”

“The task group is supporting the recovery, reconstruction and rehabilitation operations being led by Task Force Bangon Marawi. Aside from manpower, the AFP utilized its construction vehicles and equipment to clear-off rubbles and debris as well as in the demolition of buildings in the city,” he said.

“Over the course of the Marawi conflict, military engineers provided support to operating troops in the area which include route reconnaissance and surveys; road and site clearing operations; wall breaching and timber cutting operations; and constructions of ramps and platforms for mechanized assets,” he added. Robina Asido/DMS