The Daily Manila Shimbun


Año says back-riding in motorbikes allowed for couples starting Friday

July 9, 2020

Interior Secretary Eduardo Año on Thursday said back-riding in motorcycles will  be allowed for couples and live-in partners only starting Friday.

Año said riders must use their motorcycles with protective shields in compliance with the guidelines set by the Inter-agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-MEID).

“Starting tomorrow, July 10, back-riding will be allowed for couples. We know our situation right now. There is an increase in positive cases. At least couples live in one roof,” he said.

Año said despite allowing back rides for couples, the public must be aware of the proper protocols set by the IATF which includes installing protective barriers in the motorcycle.

He also said policies on wearing face masks in public will be strictly implemented by authorities.

Año said back-riders will be asked to present documents at quarantine control points or to law enforcers as proof that they are indeed a couple.

While married couples have the same surname, common-law partners must share the same address and they should bring copies of their marriage certificate and present IDs if asked by law enforcers.

“A couple is living in the same household, either they are married, or common-law husband and wife, or boyfriend or girlfriend,” he said.

“On their IDs, they must have the same surname or if common-law husband and wife they must have the same address. There are so many ways to prove that indeed they are a couple,” he added.

Año said a prototype design submitted by Bohol Gov. Arthur Yap was adopted by the National Task Force for COVID-19 and shall be adhered to.

It can be recalled that in mid-June, Yap proposed installing a protective barrier between passengers of a motorcycle to allow back-riding without compromising health and safety.

“It is good because it can protect the passenger… There will be handles on the side of barrier and (the height) is above the head… at the same time they need to wear mask and the rider and passenger must wear helmet,” he said.

Año reminded the public as the design of the motorcycle is modified, riders must be cautious.

He added violators will be punished in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.

Meanwhile, Interior Undersecretary and Spokesperson Jonathan Malaya reminded all police officers they should be the first in following this new rule.

“When the public sees the law enforcers’ back-riding and yet utilizing motorcycles without protective barriers, we lose our credibility. So, we wish to remind all men and women of the PNP who are couples to be the first in installing these barriers in their motorcycles as a good example to the public,” he said.

“Now more than ever, we should lead by example,” he added. Ella Dionisio/DMS