The Daily Manila Shimbun


BJMP giving psychological support to inmates through technology

April 16, 2020

Following the declaration of a nationwide jail lockdown late March, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) is expanding psychological support for its personnel and persons deprived of liberty (PDL).

Jail Chief Insp. Xavier Solda, BJMP spokesman, said"telepsychology is used to augment traditional in-person services being provided to BJMP personnel, rendering frontline services using telecommunication services to manage their stresses."

"It is a psychological intervention program developed to help personnel release pent-up feelings and emotions, to have an enhanced capacity to cope with stress, enhanced tolerance and attain tranquility or peace of mind, and able to develop healthy coping skills," he said.

For persons deprived of liberty,  the program allows them to develop a personal analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, be able to regulate their own emotions to pay attention to others, reduce anxiety levels and improve sleep quality, be able to apply self-care management and maintain good psychological well-being,  Solda added.

Solda said Telepsychology "is also one of the mediums utilized to address anxieties, stresses, and other potential mental health issues among those who were newly committed in jails."

BJMP Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences Division Head  Irene Lim said their lines are open 24/7 for referrals and telecounseling."

"Some of the mental health practitioners who are non-uniformed personnel are on a work from home status and unable to attend physically to our clients. But, that does not mean there will be no other alternatives in delivering mental health services to our colleagues and PDL clients," she said.

Solda said "activities included in the program are video presentations about COVID19, stress management, cinema therapy, mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation techniques, information drives, and consultation through telepsychology".

He said according to  Erna Compuesto, a registered psychometrician of the BJMP, their office continues to provide basic mental health services and all text messages and calls on the helpline created will be received by the psychologist of the Directorate for Health Service.

"The regional psychologist and psychometricians will attend the chats, messages, and electronic mails. At the same time, the intervention programs for the PDL will be conducted at their respective jail units under the supervision of the welfare and development officers," Solda said.

"After the lockdown, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) will be facilitated to both personnel and PDL to equip them with proper management of stress and anxiety after the crisis," he said.

Solda said BJMP Chief Jail Director Allan Iral lauded the efforts of the mental health practitioner.

“It is important for our front liners to learn how to vent out their feelings and emotions while heightening their stress tolerance with the help of our health practitioners," Iral said.

"We appreciate the fact that they are doing a great job in our jail units, and it is but proper for us to extend all the kind of support we can extend to them," he added.

Solda said the BJMP manages 468 district, city, and municipal jails nationwide. Robina Asido/DMS