The Daily Manila Shimbun


Brigade commander replaced after NPA attack in Davao

May 23, 2017

A brigade commander in Davao will be replaced weeks after the New People’s Army (NPA) rebels attacked the civilian establishment in the region last month. Maj Gen. Rafael Valencia, commander of the Army’s 10th Infantry Division, said  1003rd Brigade Commander Brig. Gen. Ricardo Nepomuceno will be replaced by Col. Ernesto Torres Jr, assistant chief of staff for personnel of  the Philippine Army. Valencia denied that Nepomuceno’s replacement was due to the attack in Davao City last April 29. “No that’s not related, actually even before that Lapanday incident his replacement is being processed,” he said. Valencia said his replacement is part of his promotion as Nepomuceno is expected to be transferred to a position at the general headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Valencia did not say when Torres will assume his post as new commander of the 1003rd Brigade. He emphasized that Torres is a well-seasoned military officer. Col. Torres is a well-seasoned. He is well prepared to assume brigade commander so we just hope that he could immediately get acquainted in the area and adjust accordingly,” he said. (Robina Asido/DMS)