The Daily Manila Shimbun


Brother of  Abu Sayyaf sub-leader killed

March 6, 2017

The death toll from last Sunday’s encounter in the province of Sulu has reached nine, including the brother of a sub-leader of the Abu Sayyaf, a military commander said Monday.
Col. Cirilito Sobejana, Joint Task Force Sulu Commander, said the fatality was Jaber Susukan the brother of Idang Susukan, a sub leader of ASG.
Sobejana said Idang was “seriously wounded”during the fire fight in the vicinity of Barangay Lumipad, Talipao, Maimbung
“Idang confirmed seriously wounded… (he is) one of the close sub commander of Radullan Sahiron,” he said.
Sobejana said the encounter that started around 5am last Sunday is continuing because of  difficult terrain.
“We have enclosed them but the terrain is difficult. The troops were operating on a muddy, mangrove area. There is a challenge, they are still there,” he said.
“The fire fight is…on and off. That is why we continue to push them, actually we have surrounded them. Hopefully we would have a much good result later on,” he added.
Sobejana said troops recovered five firearms with two M203 grenade launcher and four bodies of the terrorist members. Robina Asido/DMS