The Daily Manila Shimbun


Congress will wait for Duterte’s report on why he declared martial law in Mindanao

May 24, 2017

Leaders of both Houses of Congress said on Wednesday will be waiting for President Rodrigo Duterte’s report on declaring martial law in Mindanao. In a statement at the Senate website, Senate President Aquilino Pimentel said:"As provided by the Constitution, we in Congress will wait for the report of the President justifying the declaration of martial law in Mindanao." House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez, speaking on dzMM, said the House can call a special session on Thursday or a joint session of Congress to hear Duterte. Pimentel and Alvarez are from Mindanao. "There is no question that the violence perpetrated by the Maute gang of terrorists allegedly in connivance with Abu Sayyaf has to be met by the corresponding force of the government to insure public safety of the residents of Mindanao and the tourists visiting the island," Pimentel added. Pimentel said the President has to report to Congress within 48 hours from the proclamation, and Congress, voting jointly, by a vote of at least a majority of all its members, may revoke such proclamation or suspension. In the same manner, he said Congress may extend such proclamation or suspension for a determined period of time if the rebellion shall persist and public safety requires it upon the initiative of the president. DMS