The Daily Manila Shimbun


Father of Maute brothers, other relatives transferred to Taguig jail

June 8, 2017

The father and other relatives of the Maute brothers arrested last Tuesday were transferred to the Bureau of Jail and Management (BJMP) facility in Taguig City, a military spokesman said Thursday. Brig. Gen. Restituto Padilla confirmed that Cayamora Maute, his second wife identified as Kongan Alfonso Balawag, his daughter Norjannah Balawag Maute, her husband Benzali Tingao arrived in Manila early Thursday. He said the four were transferred to the BJMP facility in Bicutan around 1 am. Padilla said Cayamora and the three were transferred in Manila for their safety. “Their transport was ordered for their safety because the area of Mindanao may become delicate,” he said. Padilla said in Manila, authorities can properly monitor Cayamora and his family members. Cayamora has an arrest warrant issued for his support on the criminal activities and rebellious activities of Maute Group, Padilla said. Cayamora and three family members were arrested in a checkpoint operation in Davao City last Tuesday. (Robina Asido/DMS)