The Daily Manila Shimbun


Manila announces third round of polio vaccination

November 20, 2019

The local government of Manila announced third round of polio vaccine drive.

According to Manila Health Department chief Arnold Pangan, the polio  vaccination drive will be on November 25 to December 7.

It will be done in all barangays at the City of Manila. Pangan said children may receive vaccine shots at the nearest barangay stations or at their own house.

A memorandum was issued by Manila Barangay Bureau chief Romeo Bagay urging all barangay chiefs to comply and "intensify the campaign" against polio.

Bagay added the memorandum was made "to ensure that there will be 95 percent coverage of children under five to be given oral polio vaccine in their areas."

Manila Public Information Office chief Julius Leonen said more than half of the children residing in Manila were vaccinated.

"According to the data from MHD, about 160,000 children or 81.6 percent have availed the polio vaccines from the city government after two rounds of the synchronized immunization program," he said. Cristina Eloisa Baclig/DMS