The Daily Manila Shimbun


PNP urges people not to believe all social media posts on Marawi

May 24, 2017

The Philippine National Police urged people not to believe so-called reports surfacing through social media about the situation in Marawi City, its spokesman said Wednesday. “Let’s be careful about information that are surfacing through social media declaring they are eyewitness accounts. They do not know the entire or correct situation”, Carlos said. Carlos said they have no reports about a priest being held hostage and that some police stations were overrun by the Maute Group Tuesday. He said the armed group came to the Amai Pakpak Hospital to seek medical assistance for their wounded members and did not take control of the facility. “This is coming from our counterparts in the AFP…They did not control the entire hospital, they were there to seek medical assistance”, Carlos said. Carlos said they are “not toning down the issue” of what is happening in Marawi City. “What we are doing is not to allow propaganda,” he said. Carlos said the Maute Group is on the move. “Again, what we are doing is we are allowing the government forces to do their primordial job to counter whatever the Maute group is doing right now”, he said. (Alanna Ambi/DMS)