The Daily Manila Shimbun


Priest held by Maute asks Duterte to give in to their demands

May 30, 2017

A video of kidnapped priest, Teresito Suganob surfaced in Facebook Tuesday online, where he is asking President Rodrigo Duterte to give in to the demands of the Maute group in Marawi City. In the video posted  at Facebook by user "Datumasa Khalid", Suganob is asking Duterte to stop the military offensive. "Mr. President, please consider us. They don’t ask for anything... they just ask that you leave this place peacefully," said Suganob. “We are in the midst of this war (and) we are asking your help to please give what they are asking for,” he added. Suganob, vicar general of the Marawi prelature, there about 240 more hostages, including several women and children, with him. “Mr. President, if you want me to kneel before you just to knock your heart in favor of our families, who are crying out there in different places, for our relatives… we will do that,” said Suganob. It’s not stated when the video was taken but it shows Suganob standing in the midst of destroyed houses and vehicles. In an interview, Marawi Bishop Edwin dela Peña said he has seen the video. “The video has reached the president and it is in his hands whether to act on the request,” said dela Peña. Suganob was one of the hostages taken by the Maute group when clashes erupted in Marawi City last week. DMS