The Daily Manila Shimbun


Uber says it will pay P190 million fine “at soonest possible time”

August 26, 2017

Uber Systems Inc. said Saturday it is"working hard" to meet the conditions of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) which imposed a P190 million before resuming its services.

"We're working hard to meet the conditions for the lifting of the suspension and hope to resume operations as soon as possible," said Catherine Avelino, Uber head of communications, in a text message.

In a statement posted on Twitter, Uber said it will pay the P190 million fine imposed by the LTFRB.

"Uber will paying this fine at the soonest possible time. We anticipate to resume operations this coming week," it said.

The order, signed by LTFRB Chairman Martin Delgra II and board members Ronaldo Corpus and Aileen Lizada, which was announced late Friday directed Uber to pay P190 million which will be remitted to the national treasury.

LTFRB suspended Uber for one month starting August 14 for continuing to accredit new transport network vehicle services despite a moratorium. DMS