The Daily Manila Shimbun


WHO urges firms to make workplaces free from tobacco smoke

July 26, 2018

The World Health Organization (WHO) urged companies and corporations to make their workplaces free from tobacco smoke and protect their workers from tobacco-related illnesses.

“There is no need to wait for national legislation to make workplaces smoke-free. Businesses can lead the charge in changing our workplaces, protecting workers and clients, and promoting smoke-free environments as the global standard to which every responsible and successful company must strive,” said WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific Shin Young-soo.

“A smoke-free workplace is not a privilege, it’s a global standard,” he added.

Shin said smoking in the workplace raises operational costs and reduces productivity by affecting health of workers.

“Companies are constantly looking for ways to boost their bottom line. Going smoke-free is the easiest way to propel productivity in any business,” said Shin.

Shin urged countries in the Western Pacific Region to join a new campaign “Revolution Smoke-Free”.

The campaign calls on businesses throughout the Region to pledge their commitment to smoke-free workplaces through the campaign website: establish smoke-free workplaces; and offer support to employees who wish to quit. DMS