The Daily Manila Shimbun


148,000 aliens reported to Bureau of Immigration

March 24, 2019

More than 148,000 foreign nationals reported to the different offices of the Bureau of Immigration (BI) nationwide during the recently concluded 2019 annual report of aliens.

The annual report of aliens, which is provided under the 1950 Alien Registration Act, requires foreigners registered with the BI (who are holders of immigrant and non-immigrant visas) to report in person to any authorized BI field office within the first 60 days of a calendar year.

In a report to Immigration Commissioner Jaime Morente, BI Alien Registration Division Chief Jose Carlitos Licas said a total of 148,387 aliens made the annual report which took place from Jan. 1 up to March 2.

Licas said this year’s annual reportees were higher compared to the 142,319 aliens who reported in 2018.

The list revealed that 56,015 Chinese nationals topped the list of the reportees, followed by 26,533 Indians, 10,566 Americans, 8,557 Taiwanese, and 8,157 South Koreans.

Also in the top 10 list of the alien reportees were nationals from Japan, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Vietnam, and Germany.

Statistics also showed that the bulk of the reportees, totaling 59,339 aliens, are holders of working visas.

Others who topped the list of registrants were foreign students, native-born foreigners, and those who married to Philippine citizens.

Licas said close to 100,000 aliens made their annual report at the BI main office in Manila and the bureau’s satellite and extension offices in Taguig and Makati City.

The other BI offices which reported large number of reportees are those in Cebu, Davao, and Clark.

Licas reminded that those who were abroad during the reporting period may still file within 30 days from their return to the country, provided that they have valid re-entry permits. DMS