The Daily Manila Shimbun


93% believe it is important for Philippines to regain Chinese occupied islands in West Philippine Sea: SWS

July 11, 2019

Ninety-three percent believe it is important for the Philippines to regain control of Chinese occupied islands in the West Philippine Sea, a Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey said late Wednesday.

These 93 percent consists of 74 percent who said it is ''very important'' for the country to regain control over the islands occupied by China in the West Philippine Sea, and 19 percent who said it is ''somewhat important''. 

"The latest figure of 93 percent saying it is' very important/somewhat important'... is 4 points above the 89 percent (72 percent very important, 17 percent somewhat important) in December 2018. It was 87 percent (72 percent very important, 15 percent somewhat important) in September 2018, and also 87 percent (69 percent very important, 18 percent somewhat important) in June 2018," SWS said. 

About 89 percent said it is ''wrong'' or ''not right'' for the government to "leave China alone with its infrastructures and military presence in the claimed territories." The response went up from 88 percent in December, 84 percent in September, and 81 percent in June 2018. 

When asked about strengthening the Philippine Navy's capabilities, 92 percent said it is ''right''. The result is slightly lower than 93 percent in December but higher than 86 percent in September and 80 percent in June 2018.

On matters of raising the issue to international organizations, like United Nations or Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 83 percent agreed and said it is 'right in order to obtain "diplomatic and peaceful negotiation" with China.

The outcome was higher than 77 percent in December, 71 percent in September, and 74 percent in June 2018. 

At least 84 percent said it is right for the Philippines to form alliances with other countries "that are ready to help us in defending security in the West Philippine Sea." 

The June 2019 SWS survey was conducted from June 22-26  through a face-to-face interview with 1,200 adults with sampling error margins of ±3 percent for national percentages, ±4 percent for Balance Luzon, and ±6 percent each for Metro Manila, Visayas, and Mindanao. Cristina Eloisa Baclig/DMS