The Daily Manila Shimbun


Alliance of Filipino Workers back hazard pay for private health workers

March 26, 2020

The Alliance of Filipino Workers (AFW)  joined calls for private sector health workers to get substantial hazard pay.

"The COVID-19 is taking its toll on our health workers in a disproportionate manner,” said AFW President Willy Pulia. 

"The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the Hospital Tripartite Industry Council (HITC) should at least issue a Department Order that would enjoin private hospitals in providing hazard pay for their workers," he added. 

On Tuesday, labor group  Defend Jobs Philippines, also urged the government to mandate private health institutions to provide its workers better hazard pay.

It comes after Malacañang declared that all government personnel, including public health workers, will be provided a COVID-19 hazard pay of P500 per day.  

Pulia stressed that an Order from the DOLE and the HITC will ensure that all private health workers will be provided hazard pay.

"While unionized hospitals normally have hazard pay, they remain low in general," he noted. 

"(On the other hand,) non-unionized ones don’t have any hazard pay," furthered Pulia. 

The AFW is a national union of hospital workers, and is affiliated with the Sentro ng mga Nagkakaisa at Progresibong Manggagawa (SENTRO). DMS