The Daily Manila Shimbun


Cimatu visits Coral Bay and Rio Tuba

November 13, 2018

Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu on Tuesday visited Coral Bay Nickel Corp. and Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corp. in Rio Tuba, Bataraza, Palawan.

Dubbed as "Responsible Mining is Possible," the two mineral firms took the chance to showcase their rehabilitation programs.

"Ah, it can be done! The program is nice," Cimatu said in a conversation with Coral Bay Nickel Corp. and Rio Tuba executives after he visited the 71-hectare tailing storage facility of Coral Bay.

Arturo Manto of Sumitomo Metal Mining Philipines explained to Cimatu the area was a totally barren land when it was decommissioned in 2010.

"Thru the effort of the company, we also tap our locals here, the indigenous peoples, the area is now totally rehabilitated," he said.

Cimatu was welcomed by Chamber of Mines executive Gerard Brimo, Coral Bay president Toru Higo, plant manager Isao Nishikawa and Nickel Asia Corp. top brass officials.

Rio Tuba is an affiliate of Nickel Asia Corp., while Coral Bay is an affiliate of Sumitomo Metals Mining Philippines. DMS