The Daily Manila Shimbun


DILG to go after cops who allegedly helped syndicates smuggle $370m into Philippines

March 3, 2020

Interior and Local Government Secretary Eduardo Ano will hold police officers who reportedly helped criminal syndicates smuggle $370 million into the country last year accountable to the law.

Ano Tuesday directed the Philippine National Police (PNP) to coordinate with the Bureau of Customs (BOC) which revealed the alleged involvement of police officers and soldiers in illegal activities of two syndicates identified as the “Rodriguez" and “Chinese” groups.

“I can conduct an  investigation and put these people into custodial investigation because it is a serious  matter,” he said.

Brig. General Edgard Arevalo, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) spokesman, said they will check that report.

''Allow us to check, coordinate with the department concerned to gather sufficient information so we can verify,'' said Arevalo in a text message to the Daily Manila Shimbun.

''For the record, we tell you that we will not allow our personnel in the AFP to be involved in this activity,'' added Arevalo.

Ano said he is waiting for details, including names of police officers, who helped members of the syndicates to avoid detection in airports.

He said the police officers must be prosecuted. DMS