The Daily Manila Shimbun


Duterte declares 2nd week of March of every year as Philippine Digestive Health Week

March 19, 2020

President Rodrigo Duterte has declared the second week of March of every year as "Philippine Digestive Health Week."

In Proclamation No. 930 signed on March 18, Duterte ordered the Department of Health to lead, coordinate and supervise the nationwide yearly observance of the Philippine Digestive Health Week, with the main objective of increasing awareness and educating the public on the prevention and management of various diseases and conditions relating to digestive health.

"Among the leading causes of deaths in the Philippines are related to the digestive tract, which includes among others, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, peptic ulcer disease, diarrhea and stomach cancer, which are potentially preventable if the necessary interventions such as screening, public education, advocacies and awareness programs are readily available to the public," the proclamation read.

It underscored the need to promote awareness, educate the public, and pool resources for the prevention and management of various diseases and conditions relating to digestive health.

The Proclamation also directed all other agencies and instrumentalities of the national government and urged relevant civil society groups and professional organizations to actively participate and provide the necessary support and assistance to the DOH for the successful conduct of programs, projects and activities relative to the observance and celebration of the Philippine Digestive Health Week. Celerina Monte/DMS