The Daily Manila Shimbun


Filipino with coronavirus in cruise ship responding to treatment: report

February 7, 2020

A Filipino seafarer who yested positive for the novel coronavirus on Diamond Princess cruise liner in Japan is in stable condition, GMA News TV reported  Friday.

Robespierre Bolivar, deputy chief of mission to the Philippine embassy told GMA News TV the Filipino crew member is responding well to medical treatment at a hospital. The Filipino's name was not revealed.

"He is in a hospital here in Japan and our information is that he is responded well to treatment,'' Bolivar said.

Bolivar said that 538 Filipinos — 531 crew members and 7 guest passengers — are on the Yokohama-bound cruise ship Diamond Princess, which has been subjected to quarantine after a guest who joined a bus tour tested positive for nCoV.

Bolivar said the Japanese government has not said if there are additional Filipinos infected by the coronavirus. DMS