The Daily Manila Shimbun


House approves bill giving Duterte means to combat COVID-19 on committee level

March 23, 2020

The House of Representatives on Monday morning approved on the committee level the House Bill 6616 or "An Act to Declare the Existence of a National Emergency Arising from the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Situation."

The House Committee of the Whole voted in favor of the passage of the bill which will authorize President Rodrigo Duterte to exercise powers necessary to combat issues related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). 

Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea, during his sponsorship speech, clarified that the special authority vested to Duterte will only be valid for a limited time and is for the purpose of responding to the public health emergency. 

"The intent of the proposal was simply to grant to government a standby power. The power will only last as long as COVID-19 will last. This administration has no intention to abuse the powers we are asking of you today," said Medialdea. 

Majority Leader and Leyte Rep. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez  added that the bill, once approved, will immediately provide medical care and testing kits to COVID-19 patients, persons under investigation (PUI) and persons under monitoring (PUM). 

He also said that the bill will also make way for the creation of recovery and rehabilitation programs for the affected persons. 

"Specifically, the bill asks to empower the president to order purchase of goods like testing kits, to lease properties and construct temporary medical facilities without going to the rules of procurement  as well as require businesses to prioritize and accept contract for materials and services in connection with the fight against COVID-19," he added. Cristina Eloisa Baclig/DMS