The Daily Manila Shimbun


JICA, DPWH partner for new project on highway network to ease traffic , boost regional economy

September 14, 2017

  The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) signed Thursday the second phase of the Project for Masterplan on High Standard Highway Network Development to ease traffic along national roads, and boost investments and jobs creation in the regions. The project, a follow-up on the previous masterplan conducted in 2010, will cover the entire Philippines and identify infrastructure projects that could be implemented until 2040. High standard highways are highways that provide high level of traffic services assuring high speed mobility and safe travel to support economic activities in strategic regions and the country as a whole. “The project complements the Build, Build, Build program of the Duterte administration as it will define a comprehensive and quality highway network and infrastructure priorities in the entire Philippines, and revitalize economic activities at the regional level,” said JICA Chief Representative Susumu Ito. “Through this initiative, JICA also aims to support the Philippines in building resiliency against natural disasters since the study will promote quality infrastructure, and identify emergency routes and road network redundancy.” The previous masterplan study on highway network in the country covered areas within the 200-kilometer radius from Metro Manila, Metro Cebu, and Tagum-Davao-General Santos Corridor. Among the projects implemented under the first phase of the study, under public-private partnership and official development assistance (ODA) were the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Expressway, Central Luzon Link Expressway, and Cavite-Laguna Expressway. JICA has been a longstanding development partner of the Philippines in building socio-economic infrastructure since the 1970s. About 45 percent of JICA’s ODA portfolio supported Philippine infrastructure to enhance connectivity, facilitate trade and investments, and promote rural development. The recent JICA Roadmap for Transport Infrastructure Development for Metro Manila and Surrounding Areas likewise advocated for quality transport infrastructure to promote polycentric development towards other growth centers outside Metro Manila. DMS