The Daily Manila Shimbun


Macron win brings sigh of relief from Japanese business circles

May 9, 2017

Tokyo- Japan's business sector has welcomed the victory of pro-European Union centrist Emmanuel Macron over anti-EU nationalist Marine Le Pen in the French presidential runoff on Sunday.
Many believe that Macron's win will help ease concerns about European politics.
"EU stability is a fundamental condition for growth and development in the European economy," Sadayuki Sakakibara, chairman of the Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, said at a press conference on Monday.
"The election result is welcomed by Japan's business sector," he stressed.
Kinya Seto, president of major housing equipment maker Lixil Group Corp. , told reporters, "I'm relieved that France opted not to take an extreme approach." The company is actively doing business in Europe.
A senior official at a major Japanese automaker also welcomed Macron's victory, which means that France, a key member of the EU, will maintain its pro-EU stance. If Le Pen had won the election and France had exited the EU, that "could've led to the collapse of the union," the official said. (Jiji Press)