The Daily Manila Shimbun


Military proposes using island in Basilan island as quarantine area for Filipinos returning from Malaysia

March 20, 2020

The military proposed the use of Sibakel Island in Basilan as quarantine area for hundreds of Filipinos returning from Malaysia.

Major Arvin Encinas, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Western Mindanao Command spokesman, said 200 Filipino passengers of vessels from Malaysia refused entry in western Mindanao will have to undergo quarantine procedures.

"Soldiers account at least 10 children on the stranded vessels. The passengers will have to undergo medical screening  to determine whether they are persons under monitoring or investigation," he said.

Encinas said the inspection team of Western Mindanao Command led by Col. Leonardo Peña,  chief of WestMinCom’s unified command staff  checked the conditions of Sibakel Island in Basilan on March 19. 

"The commander chaired the meeting with line agencies including DOH Region IX Director Emilia Monicimpo, DPWH IX Director Cuyamombao D. Dia and OCD Region IX Director Manuel Luis Ochotorena in Camp Navarro on March 19. Meanwhile, the body has set another meeting to discuss the quarantine setup on March 20," he said.

"The military intends to install 100 tents on the island, fifty of which will be transported here today. The Department of Health, meanwhile, said it will deliberate on the military’s proposal as resources will have to be rationalized," he added.

WestMinCom Commander Lt. Gen. Cirilito Sobejana said "the military’s intervention was brought about by reports of Filipinos returning from Malaysia." 

"Under the presidential proclamation, we have to accept them, but they have to undergo quarantine procedures,” he said.

“That is why we organized a team that did the reconnaissance and inspection, and we decided that Sibakel is the most conducive," Sobejana said.

“Coronavirus Disease-19 is an 'illness' that starts with ’i’. We have to change the ‘i’ to ‘we’ to make it “wellness.” Let us continue to work together towards wellness to defeat the illness and make things happen,” he added.

Encinas said "Sibakel Island is an isolated area with no existing infrastructure nor water source, but the island can house 200 persons." Robina Asido/DMS