The Daily Manila Shimbun


NCRPO says Manila cop is first COVID-19 patient

March 24, 2020

The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) on Tuesday confirmed their first case of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Police Major General Debold Sinas, the NCR director, said the patient was assigned in a station of the Manila Police District. 

“He was considered a person under investigation last March 17. Apparently, the swabbing and confirmatory tests yielded positive result,” Sinas said.

Sinas ordered disinfection and decontamination of the whole station where he was assigned and his colleagues will be on quarantinedfor 14 days.

"As soon as the decontamination takes place, other police officers will take over the duties and responsibilities of the station while the colleagues are considered Persons Under Investigation,” he said.

Sinas assured the public they are exerting all precautions to protect their personnel. 

"We are also conducting a contact tracing to other people who has contacted NCRPO Patient 1. We will advise them for home quarantine until March 28," he said.

According to NCRPO, they constantly check the condition of the personnel thru phone calls to attend to his needs. 

"Just the same, we will exert all our efforts to give assistance for the recovery of NCRPO Patient 1," he said.

"We are also human beings susceptible to COVID 19. And as law enforcers, we are facing higher risk of exposure to this pathogen as part of our pledge to serve and protect our fellowmen,” he added. Ella Dionisio/DMS