The Daily Manila Shimbun


Kawasaki attacker cuts 19 people in less than 20 seconds

May 29, 2019

Kawasaki, Kanagawa Pref., May 29 (Jiji Press)–The 51-year-old attacker in Tuesday’s stabbing rampage near Tokyo slashed 19 people one after another in just 10 and a few seconds, police sources said Wednesday. In the incident in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, the


PNP starts getting ready for 2022 polls

May 29, 2019

The Philippine National Police (PNP) starts preparations for the 2022 national and local election. “After the success of the 2019 midterm elections, the Philippine National Police is now preparing for the 2022 National and Local polls vowing to sustain its


Japan, S. Korea to skip defense minister talks

May 29, 2019

Tokyo–Japan and South Korea will forgo a meeting of their defense ministers on the sidelines of the Asia Security Summit in Singapore from Friday, sources in the Japanese Defense Ministry have said. The plan for Japanese Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya


Japan enacts bill to allow use of smartphones in self-driving cars

May 29, 2019

Tokyo–The Diet, Japan’s parliament, passed into law Tuesday a bill allowing drivers to use their smartphones while their cars are traveling autonomously, if they are able to shift to manual driving immediately during an emergency. The bill to amend the


Four Amphibious Assault Vehicles for Marines arrive: Navy

May 29, 2019

The Philippine Navy said four Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAVs) for the Philippine Marines from South Korea arrived early May. “It arrived first week of May and was transported thru commercial shipping,” Capt. Jonathan Zata, Navy spokesman, said in a viber


EXCLUSIVE: Japan eyeing traffic restriction near Tokyo Games venues

May 29, 2019

Tokyo–Japan’s transport ministry, the Tokyo metropolitan government and other parties concerned are considering making private parking lots near the competition venues of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics reservation-only and restricting vehicles without such reservations from using ordinary roads near


Palace welcomes PH improvement in competitiveness ranking

May 29, 2019

Malacanang welcomed on Wednesday the improvement on the Philippine ranking in this year’s World Competitiveness Yearbook by the International Institute for Management Development. From 50th spot last year, the Philippines now ranked 46th out of 63 countries in terms of


David wins Grand Fukuoka Prize for 2019

May 29, 2019

Professor Randolf David of the University of the Philippines won the Grand Prize of the Fukuoka Prize, the Japanese Embassy announced Wednesday. The 73-year-old David, who is a columnist of the Philippine Daily Inquirer is the first Filipino to win