The Daily Manila Shimbun


World figure – Satoko Miyahara

March 25, 2019

Satoko Miyahara (Seki Univ.) = 24th, Saitama Super Arena, acting at the exhibition. Jiji Press

941 areas declared election hotspots: PNP

March 25, 2019

The Philippine National Police ( PNP) said around 941 areas are declared as election hotspots. “Based on the latest validated information of election watchlist of areas we have identified a total of 941 election hotspots that comprise 57.60 percent of


World figure – Keiji Tanaka

March 25, 2019

Keiji Tanaka acting at the exhibition (Kurashiki University of Art and Science) = 24th, Saitama Super Arena Jiji Press

World figure – Kaori Sakamoto

March 25, 2019

Kaori Sakamoto (Sysmex) = 24 days at the exhibition, Saitama Super Arena Jiji Press

Emperor, empress arrive in Kyoto

March 25, 2019

Kyoto–Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko arrived in the western Japan city of Kyoto on Monday as part of a trip to report the Emperor’s coming abdication at the mausoleum of Emperor Jinmu, the country’s mythical first Emperor. The Imperial couple


Japan govt commissioned experts to make era name proposals

March 25, 2019

Naha, Okinawa Pref.–The Japanese government on March 14 commissioned scholars to make their proposals for the next era name, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Sunday. Suga will narrow down the possible new names to around three. After its final


Eleven Kanazawa University students complete internship in Ifugao State University

March 25, 2019

Eleven students from the Kanazawa University (KU) in Japan received their international student internship completion certificates during ceremonies at the Ifugao State University (IFSU) Thursday last week. This internship is part of a five-year memorandum of understanding between KU and


Japan starts work to get wild boars vaccinated

March 25, 2019

Komaki, Aichi Pref.–Japan on Sunday started work to get wild boars vaccinated against swine fever, the first vaccination attempt targeting wild animals in the country. The Aichi prefectural government planted vaccine-containing feed into the ground at some locations in Aichi