The Daily Manila Shimbun


Reviving Anti-Subversion Law could help address insurgency

August 15, 2019

The head of the Philippine National Police ( PNP) on Thursday said reviving the Anti-Subversion Law could help address insurgency.

“That’s one because we are also pushing for the amendment of the Human Security Act. Once amended, I think it will also be a good measure to address our insurgency problem,” Police General Oscar Albayalde told reporters in Manila.

He said once the act is amended, it could be a good measure to address the problem.

“Also the move to tag the CPP-NPA as terrorist group because once they are tagged then they will be covered by the Human Security Act. And those who will support them will be liable,” he added.

He reiterated his support for Interior Secretary Eduardo Ano, who is pushing for the revival of the Anti-Subversion Law.

The law, which was enacted in 1957, was repealed by President Fidel Ramos in 1992.

“If that is really the advocacy of the Secretary, we will support his advocacy if that is what he wants to happen,” said Albayalde.

The PNP chief also said the provisions of the law still needs to be studied as it was allegedly abused during the time of Marcos administration.

“So if it will be revived, we don’t want it to be abused again,” he said.

Ano wants to revive the law after reports that students went missing only to be discovered that they allegedly joined militant groups. Ella Dionisio/DMS