The Daily Manila Shimbun


(UPDATE) Duterte orders NBI to stop anti-drug operations

February 2, 2017

President Rodrigo Duterte ordered on Thursday the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to stop conducting anti-drug operations because he has lost his trust in the agency.

In a speech at the 38th National Convention of the Philippine Association of Water Districts in Davao City, Duterte said only the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines are tasked to enforce operations against illegal drugs.

"The Bureau is suspended from enforcing drug laws. You're included because I already lost trust in you," Duterte said.

Duterte earlier removed from the Philippine National Police the authority to conduct illegal drug operations after some policemen were tagged as allegedly behind the kidnap-slay of South Korean executive Jee Ick-joo.

Duterte said he has yet to issue a proclamation or an executive order that empowers the military to help the PDEA in the campaign against illegal drugs.

"I still have to write the (order), whether a proclamation, executive order, but I have taken in the AFP and raise the issue of drugs as a national security threat so they can call all the Armed Forces to assist," he said.

He said there will be "cleansing, a purge inside (Camp) Crame and the NBI."

Duterte again hit critics of his war on drugs, which resulted to the death of thousands  allegedly involved in the drug menace.

He even threatened to kill more individuals involved in illegal drugs.

"You bleed for those son of a bitch.  How many? 3,000. I will kill more, if only to get rid of drugs," he said. Celerina Monte/DMS