The Daily Manila Shimbun


(UPDATE) Senators grill alleged member of the so-called Davao Death Squad  

March 6, 2017

Senators questioned the motive of an alleged member of the so-called Davao Death Squad, who recanted his previous testimony, even asking if the termination of his supposed P100,000 allowance from a Palace official was the reason.

But Arthur Lascanas, a retired senior police officer 3, kept saying he had a spiritual renewal recently.

“I am putting my family at stake here, for the sake of the truth,” said Lascanas when asked by Senator Manny Pacquiao. “I have no political motives.”

Lascanas said he “wasn’t ready to tell the truth.” “I was also concerned with the security of my family,” he told Senator Joel Villanueva.

Pacquiao moved to cite Lascanas for changing his testimony but Senators Tito Sotto and Risa Hontiveros objected, prompting Pacquiao to withdraw his motion.

Lascanas narrated how a group of police officers were assembled in the late 1980s to go after suspected criminal and illegal drug personalities in Davao when Rodrigo Duterte was mayor.

He claimed Duterte ordered the killing of 11 Chinese drug suspects and was behind the assassination of a popular local radio announcer, Jun Pala.

When asked by Senator Grace Poe how many persons he killed, Lascanas said:” Let’s say 200.”:

Lascanas alleged that for years he received a P100,000 monthly  subsidy from Duterte ended in January 2017 but he said this was not the reason behind recanting his testimony. He told Senator Bam Aquino he received this amount for 12 years.

“Were you paid to change your testimony?,” asked Pacquiao. Lascanas replied;” No your honor.”

Poe said Lascanas would have to present more proof, witnesses to validate his affidavit.

Senator Panfilo Lacson Jr,. chaurman of the committee on public order, said this will be the last hearing on this subject.

Thousands reportedly died under this death squad in Davao but there has been no full-blown investigation. DMS